Metropolis club u Zagrebu uspješno posluje već četiri godine. U prostoru smještenom
ispod razine zemlje,
do posebnog izražaja dolaze moderan dizajn s komponentama rokerskog
Atraktivne fotografije poznatih svjetskih glazbenika osvijetljene led rasvjetom,
„zubčanici“ na zidovima i ostali detalji, daju poseban ugođaj čitavom
Veličina prostora iznosi 800m2.
Metropolis club radi i kao dnevni caffe bar svakim danom te pruža mogućnost igranja biljara na osam kvalitetnih biljarskih stolova.
Večernji program aktivan je tijekom cijelog tjedna, a petak i subota imaju posebne sadržaje: mali i veliki koncerti, klubski DJ, tematske večeri i ostalo.
Uz programe za goste kluba, nudi se i mogućnost organizacije: rođendana, momačkih i djevojačkih večeri, promocije albuma, domjenaka, te raznih drugih proslava.
Upiti i informacije na: 091/440-0302
Metropolis club in Zagreb has been operating successfully for four years. In the space located
below ground level,
modern design and components of rock and roll touch become very
Attractive photos of world famous musicians illuminated with LED lighting, “gears” on
the walls and all the other details,
gives a special atmosphere to the whole ambient. Size
of the space is approximately 800 m2.
Metropolis club works daily as a coffee bar and offers the possibility to play billiards on eight high-quality billiard tables.
The evening program is active throughout the week, and Friday and Saturday have special contents: small and big concerts, DJs, theme nights and many more.
With programs for guests of the club, there is also a possibility to organize: birthday parties, the Bachelorette and Bachelor parties, album promotion, receptions and all the other kinds of parties.
Contact: 091/440-0302